
Isyourscreenperfect?Unsure?ThencheckitwiththeDVANADeadPixelChecker.Thissimpleappwillcheckeverycolourofeverypixelandconfirmthat ...,Ahandydeadpixelfinder...Overall,DeadPixprovestobeapracticalprogramthatyoucanresorttoforlocatingandtryingtofixstuckpixelsonyourscreen ...,Ourdeadpixeltestappisaneasyandconvenientwayforyoutocheckifyourscreenhasdeadpixels.Ourtestwilldisplayvariouscolorsandpatternsonyo...

Dead Pixel Checker

Is your screen perfect? Unsure? Then check it with the DVANA Dead Pixel Checker. This simple app will check every colour of every pixel and confirm that ...


A handy dead pixel finder ... Overall, DeadPix proves to be a practical program that you can resort to for locating and trying to fix stuck pixels on your screen ...

Dead Pixel Test

Our dead pixel test app is an easy and convenient way for you to check if your screen has dead pixels. Our test will display various colors and patterns on your ...

Dead Pixel Fixer

A dead pixel fixer is usually a tool that can be used to repair dead pixels on monitors, mobiles, or tablets. Dead pixels are usually damaged or impaired pixels ...


Dead-pixel check. “Dead” pixels—defective pixels on a liquid crystal display (LCD) that are not performing as expected. Variations of dead pixels: dark dot, ...

Touchscreen Dead pixels Repair

It is very common for the pixels of your device's touchscreen to become unresponsive with excessive use. Such pixels are usually referred to as dead pixels.

Dead Pixels Test and Fix

Bought a new smartphone or want to check on the old smartphone matrix display? In this program you can test your LCD screen for the presence of dead ...

Stuck Pixel vs Dead Pixel

2022年12月7日 — UndeadPixel. This Windows program helps to cope with dead pixels with one tool. The built-in stuck pixel locator detects the problem, and the ...


The JScreenFix pixel fixing algorithm has been applied to millions of screens and is the most effective software solution available for repairing defective ...

Dead Pixel

功能. Could help you to identify the precise location of the pixel asleep. It tries to awake stuck pixels.

InjuredPixels - 螢幕壞點檢測

InjuredPixels - 螢幕壞點檢測
